Election post


Hi, my name is Ilia and I am a second year Psychology with Education student! Deciding to start salsa nearly 2 years ago was undoubtedly the best decision I have made, and it has greatly shaped my university journey. As a member of the committee this year, and having dedicated my time and effort to engage with salsa sessions and in the running of the society, I would love to be part of the team for yet another year!

As treasurer I will ensure to maintain a high standard of upkeep regarding the society’s finances. I will also guarantee the funds are managed efficiently and in a way that provides society members with maximum opportunities. Having already been treasurer this year, I am familiar with the role and of the general running of the society.

I am a trustworthy and cooperative person whose organisation and communication skills will allow me to work closely with the other members of the committee. As someone who truly cares about the society, I hope to implement a fair role to form a positive change and for this reason I am confident l would suit the role of the treasurer for yet another year! :)