Election post


Hi Team!

I hope by now I am a familiar face to you, but if I'm not, I'm AJ and I served as X-Country Captain of the club this past year. I am proud to say that we accomplished everything we set out at the beginning of the year; diversifying our SLR routes, a record-breaking BUCS trip and most importantly, creating a welcoming and encouraging environment for anyone who wants to give running a go, which will always remain a value of this club.

Having had a great season, I am ready to tackle a new challenge and apply my skills to the Competitions and Tours Officer role. If you have seen me working this year, you know I like to be very organised with my planning. Being a new role, there is still so much to bring to the table! So here are some of my plans if you decide to keep trusting on me:

  • A better schedule of ALL competitions throughout the year from an early stage. (Hopefully you've seen my efforts in the WhatsApp group chat!) 
  • Collaborating with SOAS to co-organise a running camp in Morocco / Jordan. 
  • Commitment to bringing a minimum of one road-running race per term. (London Winter Run, The Big Half, ASICS 10k, ...)
  • Further open up Duathlon and Triathlon competitions to members of RAX with dedicated training sessions.
  • Take charge of all logistics for our big events of the year (BUCS XC, Indoors and Outdoors).
  • And of course, remain an active figure by leading training sessions and supporting you all to enjoy our beautiful sport!

Thank you for trusting in me,