Election post


Hey, I'm Shivang, and I'm excited to be running for Events VP!

Having been a part of the events subcommittee for two years in a row, I can say I have loved every bit of organising RUMS events. From helping organise Take Me Out to curry night to freshers fortnight, each event has given me a lot of insight that I hope to bring to the role.

If elected, I would strive to:

1. Represent Diversity

• A priority for me would be making sure everyone feels welcome and represented
• I would love to introduce a diverse range of events that celebrate the cultural and social interests of our medical school

2. Unifying cohorts
• Organise events that spans across all years of medical school, including pre-clinical and clinical students, to foster a sense of continuity and belonging throughout medical school

3. Maintaining inclusivity
• Prioritise inclusivity in event planning by considering the needs of all students, including non-drinkers and commuters
• Implement feedback mechanisms to identify barriers to participation and target initiatives to address them

4. Strengthening transparency
• Maintain open communication channels to ensure transparency regarding event planning and budgeting

There is always something to be done better and my biggest hope would be listening and being receptive to your feedback.

If there's anything I want to achieve as events VP, it is to be a friendly face and be approachable; so if you have any questions feel free to reach out :)

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