Election post


Olá a todos!

This academic year has been one of ambitious change and development for our society. Alongside all of our committee members, I am proud of the result. Starting off with normalising our relations with the SU and developing a structure, and a new constitution; I have worked to facilitate and improve participation.

Last year, you elected me as treasurer on a program I believe I have fulfilled. By providing transparency and by helping to grow the society into the vibrant community that exists today; I am excited to call this year’s work a success. However, next year can be even brighter.

As president, my plan would have four focal points: 

  • Continue the stabilisation and growth of our society’s funds to ensure the viability of our events, in collaboration with the future treasurer
  • Debut talks with other Portuguese-speaking groups in London universities right from the beginning of the year to develop strong and promising events
  • Work with Portuguese speakers at UCL and the SU to bring back Portuguese lessons, an integral part of our society in the past
  • Push for events for every member, whether bachelors or PhD students; Portuguese or Brazilian; party-people or politically oriented.

This society continues to provide the unique opportunity for me, and many others, to keep in touch with my language and my roots, to meet incredible people and to create long-lasting memories. It would be a privilege to continue on this journey with all of you,


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