Election post


Being a part of this club for almost 3 years, I have watched it grow from the amount of members, skill of the members and how dedicated the members are. It fills me with so much joy to see what the club is now and with me approaching my final year next year, I would like to end my time at university being the president of the club that has given me so much and let me have a change to give back to it. 

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Nasif Niyas and I am the current training officer of UCL Parkour Club. After 2 years of being a regular member, I decided to take a chance at having an important role within the parkour club and I felt that it had helped me grow and improve as a person. That's why I would like to further my growth and nominate myself for the role of president. 

But why should I be chosen? 

In addition to having almost 3 years of parkour experience I have a year's experience of being on committee. I know how the committee works and what is needed for a committee to run successfully and efficiently. Whilst having new people on committee is always nice, I believe having someone with experience is even better. Jobs prefer experience, I don't see why this is any different. 

Whilst being one of the longest standing member in the club currently, I am also one of the most dedicated and will put my all into this club. 

Thank you and I hope I have your support