Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Zi Tong, a 2nd year medical student, and I am running to be your RUMS Music president! I believe I have the necessary qualities and experience to lead RUMS Music to greater heights of success. 

RUMS Music has played a huge role in my university life and being part of the heartstrings ensemble, I have made many great memories. I have several experiences in leadership ranging from being House Captain, leading orchestra for 3 years to running ‘anime’ society in school. Currently, I am the president of ABACUS Society; delegating tasks to my committee members and liaising with Students’ Union has given me the leadership and teamwork skills required for this position. I am also the principal violinist in the UCL String Orchestra, therefore I have experience in leading a music ensemble at UCL. I am also on the WinS committee and have helped run the annual WinS conference, showcasing my organisation skills, teamwork and management abilities. Being the leader in orchestral concerts and being on societal committees has greatly enhanced my time management, perseverance and problem-solving skills, which are essential attributes to handle being President of RUMS Music effectively.

All in all, I love meeting new people and have met my closest friends through RUMS Music. I will try my hardest to work with the rest of the committee to bring you guys the best events and continue to uphold the reputation RUMS Music holds. I look forward to seeing you guys soon!


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