Election post


Being a part of the UCL Muay Thai club for the past two years has been a wonderful part of my university experience and I will always treasure all the friends and memories I have made thanks to our amazing community. I want to continue giving back to this club by re-running for the position of treasurer, which gave me the opportunity to play a key role in growing and fostering this community that I love. 

In the past year as treasurer, I have generated record profits and minimised our expenses, providing the club with a solid base for growth in the following year. By electing me for the position of treasurer again, I will help mobilise our funds for higher quality equipment and hosting more fun events! My focus is on community and making the experience of UCLMT as fun as possible. Having done Muay Thai since I was 15, I am passionate about sharing my experience with everyone and enhancing the club’s sense of camaraderie. Last year I worked with the president on creating the fighter sponsorship scheme which was a massive success for the competitive side of our club, this year I hope to use the extra funds generated to bring this opportunity to even more people. Just like last year, I want to make our interclub competitions, in which I and many others have participated in, more accessible and fun for everyone! 

Thanks for reading my nomination, I look forward to the chance to do even more for this great community! 

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