Election post


My name is Nyree and I am a second year Arts and Sciences student running for PR sec🔥

Joining Muay Thai (and staying committed #discipline) has been one of the best decisions I have made this year. It has been bundles of fun - I have made many new friends and outrageously improved my cardio. I would very much enjoy the opportunity to be on committee for a society that has contributed so positively to my uni life.

I am a wise old woman when it comes to committee experience. Being Sports Secretary for UCL ABACUS and Social Media Manager for UCL Table Tennis Club for the last year has provided me with heaps of very useful leadership knowledge. I am a true Instagram addict and I shall create the most yummy looking infographics for your feed.

I will elevate the Muay Thai society to new heights by using my refined videography skills to create the coldest UFN edits you will ever see. I am a visual mastermind and have some ideas up my sleeve to make UFN 2025 look even cooler.

I may not be a Muay Thai Pro, but a pro I do have is Canva Pro - a publicity officer's ultimate weapon.

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