Election post


hey guyss im back for round 2 :) 

in case you dont know me, im lorenzo and was this year’s external relations sec. i had joined the society (and committee) this school year having no prior martial arts background and very quickly found myself getting very invested in the sport and culture of muay thai and would love to stay involved.

i want to make it clear that this role is pretty admin heavy and requires lots of emailing–im VERY used to emailing (this is copy and pasted from last year):

“having worked as both the coordinator of service clubs and as the president of the student council during my time in secondary education, i have had to organize school-wide events that required the coordination of multiple groups and ‘stakeholders’ and as such feel i have the necessary experience of serving as a leader and liaison for this position.”

as external relations sec, ive had to maintain contact with our merch suppliers (su has made this process very lengthy) and found a sponsor for our this girl can event. for next year id like to be more ambitious and explore the possibilities of sponsors for more events (ufn, varsity, etc.) and securing discounts for muay thai gear.

anyway, i really do want to see this society continue to succeed and it would be my pride to contribute to this community!