Election post


Hi everyone!

MODO has been such an integral part of my uni life these last 3 years. It has given me so many opportunities like photography and modelling and most importantly getting to meet and collaborate with so many (insanely) talented people. Because of this, I’d love the opportunity and responsibility of ensuring that MODO remains this fun, non-judgemental, and inclusive space for EVERYONE and that it can become or remain a safe place for you. 

I can promise that I’ll do my best to ensure that our welfare is at the forefront of anything we do at this society. One small way I would do this is by establishing more effective ways of both collecting and actively addressing feedback, suggestions and concerns perhaps via anonymised forms.

In terms of why I think I’m somewhat “qualified” to do the role, having been a proactive member for the last 3 years and having also been on committee as Head of Photography previously I think I have a (relatively) good idea of how things generally run and what has/hasn’t worked in the past. I also have pretty fast reply times (yes I have too much time) and I’m also really open to and encourage change, suggestions and new ideas. 

Basically this was all a very long-winded way of saying please vote for me as your welfare officer! Thank you :)

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