Election post


Hi everyone! I am Helena, a first-year medical physics student. I'm passionate about creating a community where every member feels supported and connected. When I first joined the mentorship program within the MedTech Society, I found it to be an incredibly beneficial experience, allowing members to make various connections and chat with professionals from different medical backgrounds. This has motivated me to join the team of the MedTech society, creating more opportunities like these for others. As Welfare Officer, I aim to organise mental health awareness campaigns, promote inclusivity, and provide resources for personal and academic challenges, maintaining a positive atmosphere within the society. By introducing initiatives like mindfulness sessions and providing more communication channels for others to express themselves. My goal is to enhance the overall student experience, prioritising both physical and mental well-being. In taking on this role, I am dedicated to make every member feel included, have the chance to build meaningful connections, and making a positive impact on the well-being of the UCL MedTech community.

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