Election post


Hi everyone, I'm Abigail, and I'm running for Corporate Relations Director.

Through MSoc, I've learned a fundamental truth of connection creates value. The bonds I've formed within our community have not only enriched my university experience but also sparked a desire to give back to MSoc.

I've seen the transformative impact of connections. From organising events like the Internship Insider RD Event to participating in networking opportunities such as the GAIN Investment Insight Programme, I've witnessed how these connections can open doors for individuals and organisations alike.

My vision for MSoc revolves around leveraging the power of connection to empower our members. Through immersive company visits and engaging workshops, I aim to cultivate an environment where meaningful connections are made, serving as a bridge between corporations and students.

By nurturing existing sponsor relationships and attaining new partnerships, I'm committed to securing additional resources to host more socials and foster lasting connections!

As an economics student, I am adept at working with both numbers and words. My experiences as a student consultant and as the current AMEU Media & Marketing Director have honed my ability to communicate effectively with clients and affiliates.

In conclusion, my candidacy is driven by a dedication to enhancing MSoc's value through expanding our connections. I'm prepared to represent MSoc with enthusiasm and professionalism in all corporate dealings.