Election post


Hiya! This is Emily who’s running for President. I’m from Japan but moved to the UK when I was 11.

I joined the society because I wanted to reconnect with those from home and share my culture with anyone passionate about it. I’m confident that I have the necessary skills + experiences to run as President and am ambitious to show you what more J-Soc can offer!

My roles at UCL:

  • J-Soc Sub-committee + Level 2 Japanese teacher
  • Course Representative
  • First-Year Rep (ABACUS)

At high school:

  • House Captain
  • Chairperson of Student Council
  • President (Eco Society)


  1. Your Voice
  • Feedback after each event
    • Instagram polls
  • An end-of-the-year survey
    • Offer a chance to win a £10 Amazon Giftcard
  1. Wider Events
  • Collaborations within UCL
    • Martial art taster e.g.kendo
    • Board games e.g.shogi
  • Different events with other J-Socs
    • Bowling, ice skating, eat-out
  • Seasonal celebrations
    • bonenkai, hanami, matsuri
  • A day/weekend trip in autumn
  1. Better Communication
  • WhatsApp announcement-only chats
  • Email important messages
  • Google Classroom for Japanese classes
  • Post photos/videos from each event on Instagram
  1. More Benefits
  • Increase membership discounts + career sponsors
  • This helps for:
    • More career opportunities
    • Cheap tickets at boat party + workshop
    • Cheaper merch

I made some of my very first uni memories and friends here, so I’d love to contribute myself to J-Soc and provide you with unforgettable experiences too!