Election post


It is with great enthusiasm and dedication that I present my manifesto for the role of Welfare Officer. As a passionate equestrian and advocate for the well-being of both horses and riders, I am committed to fostering a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment within our club.

My vision is centered on promoting equine excellence while prioritizing the welfare and happiness of all members, both human and equine alike. I aim to cultivate a culture of mutual respect and support within the club, where members feel comfortable seeking guidance and assistance from their peers and mentors. I will also continue to safeguard the confidential reporting system in place for any concerns related to safety, welfare, or misconduct, ensuring that all members feel heard and supported in addressing any issues that may arise. Raising awareness about the importance of equine welfare within the wider university community through social media campaigns, awareness events, and fundraising initiatives is also one of my main goals for the society going forward.
For we are not merely riders on horseback but guardians of a legacy that spans the ages. May the hoofbeats of our faithful companions echo through the halls of eternity.
Forever and always, let us ride!!!
Thank you for your consideration.

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