Election post


As the 1s finally got relegated from South Prem, it seems the natural progression to give up my dreams of high-level hockey and throw myself into the far more prestigious and important element of university sport: the socials.

Going into 4th year, I've seen my fair share of socials, I have a comprehensive knowledge of the rules (much to the detriment of anyone I know external to the HC), the games occupy too much of my brain, and I have an entire section of my wardrobe dedicated to themes (pictured).

I reckon having an older member of the club as social sec will be beneficial to reinforce tradition, as well as ensure authority. Much to my surprise I’ve been told I’m “intimidating” which could work to my advantage here (though I’m actually a rlly nice person I promise x).

Given my highly enviable lack of a hangover, I would be able to put my Thursday mornings to good use writing the social post for the next week ASAP, allowing for optimal theme prep.

Having lived with a social sec for the first 2 weeks of term, I am aware of the vast amounts of organisation and admin required for this role. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a top Microsoft Excel fan (not an ad), so I would make some fire spreadsheets. I'd look to have families as good as sorted before trials as well as aim to have more family socials in general, especially in 1st term to aid our favourite word: integration. Similar thing with ball, + who knows, maybe this could be the year we bring back Loop for afters?


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