Election post


I am running for Vice President of the UCL Hiking Club because I am incredibly passionate about both hiking and delivering the best possible experience for all members. Since joining the club, I have attended several of the regular weekend hikes, both of this year's residentials and multiple social events. My time as a walk leader has massively enhanced my ability to lead and support larger groups, often in challenging environments, and given me valuable insight into how the club management works.

I grew up in the Peak District and have since explored numerous regions across all the UK; more recently I challenged myself by completing solo hikes in multiple European countries. This, along with my experience on multiple committees during my undergraduate studies, means I am ideally suited for this role. I have always enjoyed the logistics behind organising holidays and events and Vice President would certainly push this interest/skill to the next level.

Finally, I have thoroughly enjoyed hiking alongside the wonderfully diverse range of members within our club and would love the opportunity to provide amazing residentials as Vice President. I will work hard to ensure we continue to deliver the excellent quality that members expect. I will also strive to take on feedback and continue to diversify our offerings so that all members continue to feel challenged and have the opportunity to explore new and exciting regions of the UK and Europe!

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