Election post


Hello everyone, I'm Berra, an upcoming MSci Biosciences: Cell Biology 3rd year student. Since my first year, I've been involved in the Genetics Society, and actively serving as the treasurer on this year's committee. Through this role, I've gained invaluable experience in the society's operations, including organising social events, talks, and journal club sessions.

Drawing on this experience, I am excited to run for the president this year. My aim is to leverage my knowledge and skills to further enhance the growth and development of our society. I am committed to maintaining the frequency of social events and academic talks we've enjoyed this year while seeking out new opportunities to expand our offerings.

I want to build a welcoming and inclusive environment where all members feel valued and engaged. Through collaboration with fellow committee members, I am confident we can continue to improve Genetics Society.

Thank you for considering me for this role. I look forward to continuing my contributions to our society :)