Election post


Hello! :)

My name is Gayatri and I am a second-year BASc Arts and Sciences student with a major in Health and Environment. I believe the Genetics Society should be both a place to learn about genetics and to meet other students from different degree backgrounds who share a similar interest in this field–whether they want to pursue this field as a career or just learn a little bit about it.

As an Events Officer, I would focus on planning fun social events to get to know other future geneticists, coordinating events with other STEM societies, networking and speaker events where GenSoc members would get the opportunity to speak to academics and professionals in this field, and of course, carrying on the journal clubs. Ultimately, my aim is to ensure that the events are inclusive and enjoyable, providing opportunities for all members to engage with the society in whatever capacity they desire. Having been in the Genetics Society last year, I particularly enjoyed attending the Journal Club meetings as well as getting to know other students through social events, such as dinners, and games nights.

As an Events Officer, I would be keen to work with the committee to plan and execute events that interests the members. I am organised, thorough, and creative when planning logistics. Therefore, I would be excited to create impactful and memorable experiences for the GenSoc members alongside all of the committee members.

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