Election post


The Secretary's role is important among the GenFem team, the creation of the weekly newsletter opens up a space for communication of not just information about the weekly meeting and key dates but other interesting news and signposting within our community. I believe that I am a good fit for this role as I am passionate about continuing and strengthening this dialogue, with knowledge from previous experience of constructing blogs, reports, school newspapers and newsletters, I would love the opportunity to have creative freedom for both writing and visual design. I believe our newsletter can also be a space for raising awareness of current affairs - perhaps a weekly roundup style format, with an opportunity for additional signposting to further information and connection to our GenFem Blog. 

In addition to my main focus surrounding the newsletter, the opportunity to support and collaborate with other committee members would be a pleasure, I believe I am a strong team member and have key communication skills making me a good fit for the GenFem Committee and a representative of our larger GenFem family <3 

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