Election post


Hi! I'm Isabelle, a first year studying European Social and Political Studies. I’m currently in Team 3 and hope to be one of the social secretaries next year!

As a commuter student, I understand the value of joining a welcoming society for a smooth transition to university life. UCL Football has definitely been essential in settling into university and making incredible friends, though I only started properly playing football last October!

I believe that building team unity involves inclusive social events, from team-specific to club-wide activities. Alongside weekly Sports Night, I'll coordinate diverse socials like watching football matches, karaoke, ice-skating, rock climbing, movie nights, Christmas dinners and more! Additionally, I'll introduce initiatives like a travel-buddy system for training and matches.

With extensive leadership roles in my secondary school’s student support team, including form captain and peer mentor, I bring the expertise needed to contribute effectively to the committee. I not only have strong organisation and leadership skills, but also a genuine passion for the club! Moreover, I’ve attended every social event this year and was part of the creation of a Team 3 Instagram.

As your social secretary, I hope to create a fun and welfare-driven environment within the club, especially for new members. Considering this, I hope I have your vote for UCL WFC Social Secretary for next year!

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