Election post


I joined Film and TV Society through screenings, my love of film stemming from being a viewer. The screenings gave me the chance to watch the recommendations of cinema buffs or gorgeous films through collaboration with other societies but also a chance to connect with others over impactful scenes, a collective giggle or the snacks brought to share. It is this atmosphere of connection through film I as a Screenings and Social Producer aim to instil tenfold into every event I organise.

As a Social Producer, I would implement more events for the society, from trips to famous filming destinations to group outdoor viewings during the warmer months. Furthermore, I would ensure that festive socials such as Halloween are kept to a highly enjoyable standard for my fellow members. I enjoy the responsibility of hosting and so I know I can apply the same level of passion to events, with my current role as Studio Equipment Manager proving I can be hands-on and active in the society.

As a Screening Producer, I would like to get those outside the committee more involved in the selections of films to ensure newcomers to the society can be inspired like I was. I also believe more collaborations with other societies would benefit the screenings to increase the impact Film and TV Society has across UCL and finding a diverse plethora of films. Knowing and loving how diverse our society is, I want to embrace the multiculturality within the world of film in this role.

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