Election post


Hi everyone,

My name is Siya and I'm applying for the role of Social Secretary for next year.

I'm really looking forward to this opportunity.

As Social Sec, my aim will be to organise a variety of social events that suit all your preferences, whether you fancy a pint or prefer a cosy and quiet night in. Think classic sports nights at Phineas on Wednesdays (followed by Scala if we're feeling adventurous), relaxed pub outings all around London, board game nights, movie nights, crafting sessions, picnics, coffee outings, and more. Looking back on this year, one of the highlights for me was undoubtedly the Bristol tour as it brought everyone together through both wholesome walks around the city and also bar crawls, followed by clubbing. I'm already super super excited for next year's one and would really love to have the opportunity to organise it!

Throughout next year, I want to ensure that everyone feels welcome and has the chance to get to know each other, bringing the society closer together through fun and inclusive events. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this!


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