Election post


I've been on the team for the past 2 years, I think we have epic vibes and I would love to keep it going next year! 

My performance review for your consideration as vice-captain this year:

  • Captainal emotional support - pretty great! thx for another awesome year my captain, learned lots from you <3
  • Team encouragement - have stayed a cheer machine and the energy spreads to the entire gym when one of us make finals!
  • Longing for tropical weather - kinda finally got used to here / climate change may be making it easier so far less complaining!
  • Brushing holds hoping new texture will form - settled for brushing just dust and not plastic off, developed new habit of blowing settled chalk out of holds (more fun)
  • Music enjoyment - made a playlist for the drive to Sheffield, sang loads and bopped along :)

Thank you for voting for me and see you at tryouts next year :D