Election post


Having been the equivalent of 'gear secretary' at the UCL film and TV society for 2 years, I've managed bookings of tens of thousands of pounds worth of equipment to students, and I can bring that experience to the climbing club.  At the end of this year I am stepping down from the film society as it is becoming a full time job - but I guess I'm addicted to gear, so I am running here instead. 

I've climbed for two years now, outside and at the indoor crag. I know my climbing equipment well, I know my nuts from my cams  and I promise not to swap all our ropes with strawberry laces. 

Climbing has a very expensive barrier to entry, especially outdoors, so to be able to provide people with free access to the things they need to pursue it, just like I did in the film society - an area with an even higher barrier to entry, will be very rewarding.

I am excited to devote even more time to climbing next year and to be apart of this amazing community even more, thanks :)

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