Election post




This year has been a year of 'Change' for CSSA. By working closely with the SU, I realised that CSSA's inherited institution did not fit into the guidelines of the Union, and we urgently need reform if we want to avoid disaffiliation from the SU. Moreover, through consulting department heads and members, I found that activities still lacked support and funding. 

Based on these two difficulties, I propose the following principles and why I am qualified to achieve them.

1. Keen cooperation with the SU

Apart from legal protection and funding, a healthy relationship could open to opportunities that business collab could not provide. Such as Blooms theatre, equipments/venues, society collabs, and more! As the person in charge of the Temple Fair for two years, which hosted around 4000+ students, I acquired expertise in negotiating with the SU and promise to secure all the opportunities mentioned.

2. All-rounded support

By saying all-rounded, I mean Every aspect. I promise each department will have a dedicated liaison team, training sessions to avoid confusion and member welfare to stay energised. Only by sharing the same vision can we strive for our best.



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