Election post


Over the period that I have been a part of Women’s Wrongs, I have fallen in love with the society, its amazing atmosphere, and the great creative work it does. I am running to be a Zine Co-Editor because I want to have a greater role in the production of the zine and the work this amazing society does than I do at the moment. 

If elected, I will do my best to preserve the iconic aesthetic of the zine and continue publishing stories on relevant themes, such as the relationship between femininity and masculinity or childhood nostalgia. I will aim to encourage member collaborations and the use of different mediums in future editions. Members will be encouraged to submit visual art or maybe even videos to post on our website/Instagram. I will also try to make the zine more active on TikTok by managing the account and giving several members access to it, so they can exercise their full creative freedom. 

For the weekly meetings, on top of regular discussions, I’ll introduce movie nights with discussion (we could watch the documentary about incels on YouTube) and try to invite speakers that work in journalism, such as writers or podcast hosts for Polyester Zine. If elected to be co-editor, next year I will arrange more creative meetings, like making our own little zines, Valentines for our loved ones, or writing our poetry.

Thanks for trading my manifesto! If you agree with my vision for next year, throw a vote my way – let’s make Women’s Wrongs even more awesome together!

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