Election post


Hi, I'm Izzie :)

I've been the satire editor for the past year but now I'm retitring my hat to conquer comedy in the Emerald Isle (I'll be back don't you worry, Cheesegrater has my life I can't abandon it now!)

In being Satire editor I have tried to make sure that it is a truly welcoming place, I would love to be able to ensure this atmosphere is continued across the entire society. I like to think of myself as a friendly face around campus and also in the cheesegrater and am always happy to lend an ear to help address issues. I believe I can do this on a year abroad especially with the support of the rest of our lovely committee!

I joined cheesegrater at the start of my first year and over the past 2 years I've made some lovely friends and memories, any excuse to stay in the loop and get all the gossip whilst on my year abroad I will take!Cheesegrater is a wonderfully welcoming place and diverse voices are incredibly important for good journalism; its important that we keep the magazine so welcoming for all!




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