Election post


I have loved being part of the Sign Language society this year and really want to see it continue flourishing over the year to come. I believe, as Vice President, I would be able to ensure that happens! I am an energetic and welcoming individual, with a love for all things linguistics. Through my studies, I will be learning more about Sign Languages next year, which I hope will enrich my skills both as a learner of BSL and as a member of the committee. 

As vice president, with less responsibility than the president themselves, I would hope to act as both an aid to the president and other committee positions but also as an individual that will ensure that the well-being and social side of the club are maintained. Over the past academic year, I have been the Women's Network Secretary, demonstrating my reliability and genuine willingness to carry out this role to the best of my ability. 

Alongside continuing the regular lessons that are in place this year, I aim to build space for practice sessions too, as, from my experience in the society, and talking to fellow members, it seems that this is something that would be greatly valued. Beyond this, I aim to create a welcoming space, that is inclusive and both educational and exciting to attend.

It would be a real pleasure to stand as Vice President for the Sign Language Society and continue learning about d/Deaf culture.