Election post


My name's Elizabeth, I'm a second year and play for the 6s! Netball is one of my favourite parts of being at UCL as it is so important to have a social outlet outside of studying to help let out some steam! I have made many amazing friendships over the last 2 years and love that netball can be a safe and uplifting space. Therefore, I would love to become Welfare Officer because I really value how important this club can be for our wellbeing and I want to make sure that it stays that way:). I loveee to chat to people and I hope that I can be a friendly face that people would feel comfortable to reach out to! In the role, I would want to raise money for mental health charities such as MIND and also try get involved with women empowerment charities such as the Female Lead. It is also very important to lend a hand to our local community so I would like to coordinate volunteering at food banks & soup kitchens in the area. I would also organise some smaller welfare events such as puppy yoga!