Election post


This will be my 3rd year standing for President of the UCL Mixed Martial Arts Club (MMAC). 


I am standing to finish out the development of this club for future students who wish to engage in one of the best, most fun, and most practical martial arts, Mixed Martial Arts.  


This year remaining I am focused on bringing the first ever Inter-Uni fight event with our team of executives and managers under UCL MMAC.


Next year my primary focus will be to continue what we have already and further, to:

1. Develop a UCL MMAC group trip to Thailand for training and recreation.  

2. Expand our access to new trainers by ending our contract with a managing agent that has limited us this last year.

3. Finalise a training system for beginners and advanced.  

4. Add a 4th training day while keeping the cost of membership comparably in line with this year.

5. Finish the UCL MMAC Member Manual, the UCL MMAC Leadership & Management Manual, and the Shared Drive Updates to the club organisational process assets.  


I thank you all for the two years you have trusted me to develop this club and I ask that you give me this final year to finish up the initial development of this club so future students have an organised, easily accessible, well-running machine to enjoy for the years to come.