Election post


Hey guys! I am Timothy, first year History of Art student.

Coming from a non-law background, I can definitely relate to the anxiety that can come with trying to break into the legal sector. Therefore, if I am elected, I would like to enhance our accessibility to law by:

  • Hosting introductory and networking events, such as:
    • Panel discussion session with law/ non-law background alumni on possible legal career paths
    • Networking sessions with other law societies at UCL
    • Introductory talks on some fundamental legal concepts and resources


  • Providing more personalized support to members:
    • Develop and launch a mentorship program
    • Continue having CV and Application workshops with external law firms

In my first year, apart from attending numerous law networking events, I am also a committee member of the UCL Communication (Public Speaking) Society. I will definitely draw from my experience of organizing socials and hosting regular speech workshops to execute events that worth you vote!

This year, LFA has given me valuable insight into the industry. I am really excited to work together with every one of you and make law a more accessible career choice for our members! I would really appreciate your vote! Thank you very much.