Election post


The position of Welfare Officer is one that is underlooked within the society, but I strongly believe that its impact is far-reaching.  By being responsible for organising events and activities that promote mental well-being, as well as providing a safe space for members to ever discuss any personal issues, I believe I can have a direct impact on the society's members. Due to my optimistic and cheerful disposition, I am capable of making a positive impact and contributing to the overall well-being of the society's members. Holding this position is also a great way to gain valuable experience that can be used in the future. As a welfare officer, I will have the opportunity to develop my organizational skills, as well as my ability to communicate effectively and work collaboratively with others.  I believe that this will be largely beneficial to the development of my character as well, and I will be able to learn and gain invaluable experience through holding the position of welfare officer.  

For the past few months, KPOP Soc has genuinely been my safe space when I felt really lost and homesick from being in a new country for the first time. It is largely down to the people who I've met as well as the comforting and supportive environment created by the current committee. I can only hope to emulate the same atmosphere if I am elected as Welfare Officer, and to create a space where people can bond and foster tight-knit relationships as I have done this past year.