Election post


Succeeding as part of Speaker Relations at UCLIS requires grit, determination and intelligibility - qualities I have observed closely and imbued myself with, over the course of last year making me the perfect candidate for this role. 

Having been an executive in the speaker relations division this past year, I find my learnings and experiences in this role will correspond very well with the requirements of the VP position. Being the only candidate with relevant experience in this division, I understand the demands of this role and look forward to the opportunity of leading the team to strategize and host renowned speakers' events and interviews that UCLIS is known for. In fact, I was instrumental in hosting and planning the UCLIS Finance Conference 2022 where we received record audiences and was also directly responsible for hosting an interview with an MD from a leading investment bank. I believe that all these experiences have coalesced in my growth in organizational skills, management skills and communication. I have been tasked with being under pressure and focusing on results through these opportunities, and therefore, I find that I would be best suited to contribute to UCLIS as Vice President of Speaker Relations.

Most of all, I plan on expanding on these experiences through this opportunity and delivering great events and results for UCLIS, by continuing on as part of speaker relations at UCLIS. 

Vote Manas.