Election post


As a candidate for the Outreach Officer position in our university's Investment Society, I am excited to present my election manifesto.

Here are my top priorities and goals for the coming year:

  1. Expand our reach: I believe that the Investment Society has the potential to reach even more students on campus, and I will work tirelessly to make that happen. I will explore new marketing channels and create compelling campaigns that will resonate with our target audience.
  2. Engage with the community: Building relationships with our community is key to our success. I will work to create meaningful partnerships with local businesses, investment firms, and other organisations to provide valuable opportunities for our members. I will organise networking events, connect students with alumni and professionals in the field, and provide guidance on career opportunities in finance and investment.
  3. Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment: Diversity is a strength, and I believe that our society should reflect that. I will work to ensure that our events and activities are welcoming and inclusive to all students, regardless of their background or experience level.
  4. Provide valuable resources and support: As an outreach officer, I understand the importance of providing valuable resources to our members. I will work to bring in guest speakers, organise workshops, and provide access to investment resources that will help our members succeed.
  5. Promote transparency and accountability: I believe that our society should operate