Election post


Hi! My name is Mahek, I am a first year who studies Natural Sciences and would love to be your Vice President. 

This year, I joined Hindu Society as an FYR, and I can confidently say that it has been one of my favourite experiences at UCL so far. From the countless messages in the group chat to planning events and the socials, the committee was very welcoming, which allowed me to be involved and understand the innerworkings of the society. This has helped me have a very good idea of how these events are structured and what makes them successful. I believe I can continue to help in organising events next year, for everyone to enjoy and create unforgettable memories.

As an FYR, I helped the committee by doing whatever was asked of me, from setting up tables for DBall, helping the acts for Rangeela and finding a venue for the afterparty. Being a ‘jack of all trades’ is crucial for being VP, and by doing such a wide range of jobs, I learnt how to be adaptable as well as how to juggle multiple jobs simultaneously. 

One of the best things about Hindu Society is its diversity of events. Not only does it have partying events such as Diwali Ball but also events like Garba, which allows the essence of this society to shine. Next year, I will strive to make these events the best yet and it would be an honour to be your VP and I hope to do the position justice.