Election post


In order for a society progress, we must be united in our efforts to improve and build upon what has already been constructed by our predecessors. As someone who takes both academics and fun very seriously, I can contribute to the society’s development profoundly, with the end goal of getting our players to make smarter decisions on the court. In addition, as someone who looks out for others and only drinks occasionally, the Welfare role appropriately suits my personality.

My Education aims:

  • Deliver the BEST tutorials to our beloved pre-clinical students
  • Organise OUTSTANDING tutorials for all clinical students by consulting my fantastic fellow final & fifth year friends
  • Develop the greatest stations in the traditional RUMS Tennis mOSCEs to ensure our final years pass their exams with flying colours
  • Create a mentoring scheme within the club to help our freshers settle in with difficult topics such as anatomy and pharmacology

My Welfare aims:

  • Promote an all inclusive and social society with great vibes only
  • Team up with the Social Secs to organise ‘Games Night’ to increase inter-year bonding and social opportunities
  • Ensure that no students feel bullied or discriminated against, with quick and appropriate action if needed
  • Social media posts of positive, inspirational, and supportive welfare resources (including RUMS Tennis memes)

Lastly, a quote: “Maxi, you’d be the best [welfare and] education secretary!” - Bianca E, 2022