Election post


Health is affected by all aspects of life, not just our biology. I believe all students, no matter their aspirations, will benefit from an appreciation of Global Health. As a medical student, my year intercalating in Global Health has been the most valuable so far. I entered knowing little about the field and now have a newfound passion that I would love to share using this platform!

What are my goals?

  • Continue providing thought-provoking events that allow students to engage with global health work
  • Create a discussion club, where students can meet and debate global health issues 
  • Provide fun socials for students to meet
  • Create events for UCL Global Health students, encouraging them to get more involved with SfGH
  • Provide a safe and inclusive support network for students, with welfare events and reliable social media communications
  • Create support hubs for students affected by ongoing issues in global health

Why me?

  • I'm currently on the RUMS Events committee and have experience in liasing with venues/organisations to plan and promote events. This has allowed me to develop organisation, communication, creative and social skills that will be crucial to this new role
  • I previously held the role of events lead in my sixth form and successfully organised academic, non-academic and welfare events
  • I'm nearing the end of my Global Health iBSc and would love to stay involved with this field and share my passion with other students