Election post


Hey I’m Lana and it would be an absolute pleasure to be your vice president next year. The people I’ve met through snowsports and the memories I’ve made have really enriched my UCL experience and I want to pass this on next year to ensure the club continues to be the inclusive and friendly environment I was introduced to.

I believe I am a good candidate for the role of VP because:

  • I do no actual work for my degree, so I have a lot of time to support the president
  • I have been part of another snowsports club and have attended BUDS since 2017, and I can implement different ideas from my experiences
  • I have proven to be committed to the club by attending competitions, socials and other events throughout the last two terms.

If I were to be elected I would aim to introduce the following ideas:

  • Create a detailed timetable for committee members to follow to ensure things are done quicker and more efficiently. This would also help ensure committee receive help and support with tasks if/when they need it.
  • Contact other snowsports clubs to try and make London snowsports events.
  • Propose ideas in other aspects of the club such as: curry nights, running charity events and introducing ski coaching.
  • Be involved in trip organisation chats with NUCO or Wasteland to help out the president if needed.