Election post


Hi, my name is Woojin (Jina) and I’m a current second year History, Politics and Economics student running for SSEES Soc Treasurer! My goal for the upcoming year is to manage our funds effectively, ensure that the society is able to host as many memorable and useful events possible, and to create welcoming and accessible society activities.

As the Engagement and Welfare Officer for SSEESSoc this year, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the process of experiencing and learning the ins and outs of running a departmental society. I believe I’ll be able to take everything I’ve learned as the welfare and engagement officer to make this upcoming year even better for our SSEES community.

There are a number of things I’d like to achieve as Treasurer. Some of these goals include:

  • Ensuring that funds are properly managed so that SSEES Soc can continue to host flagship events such as the Vodka Tasting
  • Providing unique solutions to possible budgeting issues so that we can also introduce new events, such as possibly bringing the SSEES Ball back
  • Making sure that events are accessible through reasonable and student budget-friendly ticket prices

I’m excited by the opportunity to create a warm and inclusive community for SSEES and hope to liven our student experiences in the department!