Election post


Hello. My name is Yoobin An, and I am running for president of the UCL Korean Society 23/24. While working as an Event director of the Korean Society for a year, I have always worked very hard to provide the best for the members of the UCL Korean Society. However, I have also seen many ways the Korean Society could be improved, and I would like to make those changes for the better experience of the members of our society.

Most of the Korean society events are focused on socialising, which is one of the main purposes of the Korean society. Through the feedback I have heard from the previous year while working as an Event director, I will modify the events to meet the needs of the society members.

To improve inclusivity of post graduate and PhD Korean students to the Korean society, I will elect a post graduate/PhD Korean society head and increase the number of events for students taking those degrees.

Moreover, I will focus on improving the efficiency of the Korean society and connecting with Korean societies outside of UCL. I will make sure as the President of the Korean society that I clearly communicate with the members of our society to present the best possible experience in the Korean society.

Thank you for your consideration.