Election post


Hey everyone! My name is Ashwin and I am a first year Economics student, running for the position of Events Executive. My immense engagement in UCLIS has taught me the value of being part of a strong community filled with driven individuals who are thrilled about a career in finance. I have been fortunate to learn through the various events organised by UCLIS the importance of pursuing opportunities that enhance one's professional network, interpersonal skills and knowledge about industry. 

As the current treasurer of the UCL Volleyball Society, I have gained lots of experience in managing resources and allocating them to opportunities which benefit the members. Further, being the social secretary of the Indian Society, I have learned to organise engaging and interesting events.

As the Events executive, I am thrilled to help organise events and bring industry leaders right to you, the members of UCLIS! I am primarily interested in inviting leading investment bankers from firms such as J.P. Morgan, Macquarie, HBSC, etc. to share their extensive knowledge about corporate culture, technical knowledge and breaking into finance. 

Thank you for considering my candidacy!