Election post


Hi I'm Lauren, a first year History of Art student, and I would love to have the opportunity to be the History of Art Society's Welfare Officer. Attending some of the History of Art Society's events, like the social and talks, has introduced me to many peers who share similar interests and passion as me. From these experiences, I am running for this role because I would love to continue and ensure these positive experiences and relationships within the society.

Previously in my Sixth Form, I was an art ambassador and co-founder of the History of Art Society. I was involved in planning and encouraging students from all ages to attend our events - especially the younger ones as their school curriculum did not include the subject. We also have collaborated with clubs like Classics, to generate broader interest into both History of Art and other subjects. The purpose of the society was to make History of Art fun and accessible for everyone, resulting in creating a sense of community and positive outreach which I want to preserve at UCL. If elected, I would love to help plan various activities for the society like picnics or exhibition viewings where people can have more opportunities to foster close-knit relationships. As a candidate for Welfare Officer, I am eager to represent the members' voice if there are any issues or concerns, as I believe it is important to have a transparent relationship between the members and the representatives of this society.