Election post


In a society, the treasurer position is crucial, and I am ready to oversee the organization's finances. Due to my involvement in the scout movement, I have some experience managing a budget and keeping track of spending, which will be helpful in this position. While the treasurer's primary responsibility is managing the organization's finances, I'm looking forward to helping plan the events and interacting with the other society members, hosts, and lecturers. 
I will make sure to use the funds wisely and enrichingly while ensuring the stability and sustainability of the society. I want the member of the society to feel enriched by art and expand their artistic knowledge through the events we will be hosting. This role caught my attention as this position will provide me knowledge of both the managerial and financial sides of society as well as the social and artistic side of the society. I think that because I am attentive and well-organized, I will be able to oversee and handle the art history society's financial operations. Additionally, I always look forward to meeting new people and want to be able to offer the society new opportunities.