Election post


My name is Katherine, and I’m running to be your Welfare & Outreach Officer for next year!

If you’ve been on hikes with the club this year, there’s a good chance you already know me as a walk leader. I’ve had a great time meeting you all so far, and am excited to apply what I’ve learnt about what makes the club so wonderful to help improve it even further. I originally took up hiking for the sake of my own mental health, and so want to help promote this side of it – hence running for Welfare Officer!

I also have experience on society committees – during my undergrad, I spent two years on a committee in Cambridge. My responsibilities there included organising events to meet everyone’s different needs despite extra difficulties due to the pandemic. These included outreach events with other universities and a variety of wellbeing events, giving me experience I can directly apply to a role as your Welfare & Outreach Officer.

If elected, I will work to keep the club as welcoming as possible, for both experienced hikers and complete beginners. I will reach out to other societies at UCL to organise exciting collaborations, as well as to societies at other universities to allow us to get to know the rest of London’s hiking community. I care deeply about mental health, and as such will make sure to arrange welfare events all year round, with a variety of styles to make sure there is something for everyone.

Whoever you vote for, I hope to see you on many more hikes in the future!