Election post


Hi Y'all! 

A lot of you have gotten to know me already as this year's social secretary. I was behind organizing events like game nights, arcade nights, pub crawls, pubquiz+karaoke+raffle, mini golf, and even more to come as the third term wraps up!

Along with planning all these events, I have been a very active member of the club, leading walks on weekends and bringing the fun to our residential trips! The hiking club has really changed my life here at UCL. Arriving in London and knowing no one, I really appreciate this club for allowing me to meet so many people while also taking on this responsibility and learning so many new skills. I want to continue to serve this community, planning fun events where everyone can feel heard and respected and maybe make some new friends. If elected for the next year, I promise to keep the fun coming, with new and exciting events every term, and to really listen to you guys as to what you want and what you find fun! 

See you next year! Caroline