Election post


Hey guys! 

I'm Antoine and running (again, and hopefully not losing this time haha) for marketing officer! 

I'd never played handball before this year, and I fell in love with the sport, especially because of how welcoming the team was :) The coaching to be goalkeeper was great, the teammates were amazing, and the atmosphere was even better. Because of how much I enjoyed spending my Monday and Friday evenings practicing alongside you lovely people, I'd love to give a bit back to the club and help with how it is run, hence why I'm running to be marketing officer for next year. 

It'd be a pleasure for me to do this, especially that I have some experience in marketing and communications, having been in charge of socials for quite a few societies at my previous uni, as well as having done internships which included some communications on social media. I hope that this could be of use for next year to help the team expand even more and make everyone aware of what is going on with the team throughout the year ;)