Election post


Hi everyone!  

My name is Sarah and I am running to become your welfare officer. My friends describe me as a raccoon: warm, cute, very sociable, great hair and good set of teeth (whatever that last part means). I am an open-minded person who places great importance on making sure that people around me are comfortable, happy and at ease. With my problem-solving skills and my extroverted happy personality, I'll work to help foster a constructive, productive and positive environment for exchange and learning.

Why is a welfare officer important? When discussing political issues and topics, a welfare officer is there first and foremost to ensure that all members feel comfortable about the subjects treated and encouraged to take part in the exchange. As your welfare officer, I will ensure effective communication based on mutual respect to help find optimal solutions for all individual cases. As a neurodivergent student I know how daunting public exchanges might seem and how some people might shy away from interacting on political subjects by fear of being judged. And as a member of debate teams I know the importance of discussion and constructive exchanges based on listening. 

I would be honored to take on this role and hope to talk to you soon !