Election post


hi i'm izzy! i'm the current secretary for the gender and feminism society and i would love to be the next blog editor!! i've had so much fun whilst being a part of genfem and i would love to be on the committee again in my final year at ucl.

i really want to breathe new life into the genfem blog & get as many people involved as possible!!! having been secretary this year, i am used to  keeping up with all things genfem and regularly producing newsletters with lots of new info to keep members in the loop so i think that blog editor would be a great fit for me.

i also want to help ensure the smooth running of genfem throughout the year, working with the rest of the amazing committee to organise loads of fun events for everyone. having been on the committee this year, i understand what needs to be done to ensure that the society functions well, and i will make sure to use my role on the committee to continue this!!

i hope you will consider me as your next genfem blog editor <333