Election post


Hey I'm Fiona :) I'm a 1st year Arts and Sciences student and I'm standing for Freestyle Soc's Treasurer. I've enjoyed getting to be a part of Freestyle Soc this year especially going to the workshops in Term 1 and just love the safe space that FreestyleSoc gives to freely explore dance and movement. It'd be an honour to get to play a role in this and be a part of the society's direction this coming year!

Why Freestyle Soc? I honestly love the society for its culture of appreciating each style for its original roots. Nowadays it's easy to access dance choreography as a combination of styles, but it's also important to respect genres by learning how they came to be and their foundational moves. And FreestyleSoc gives a safe and friendly environment to do just that.

In terms of dance background, back at home I was a member of a litefeet crew pioneering the style in Singapore. Seeing how they've organised and led freestyle events has been great inspiration I'd hope to apply here at UCL FreestyleSoc. Additionally, I consider myself as detail-oriented, and good with spreadsheets and organisation – literally catch me editing presentation formats and folders when I'm bored. Not the most exciting of interests, but definitely a great quality in a Treasurer ;)

Overall, I just love dance and am just glad for the chance to be more involved with the dance scene.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read, and see you around! :>