Election post


I have a significant amount leadership experience volunteering with people who have communication difficulties that would stand to me in the the role of an events officer. These include;

Organising and carrying out group stimulation games and leading group participatory activities largely through music in the Leeson Park Nursing Home for residents who have conditions such as dementia, stroke, mental health issues and mobility difficulties. Hearing and speech challenges were also common among the residents.

Working as an Assistant Choral Direct in Beechwood Children’s Choir. Leader. I had to plan and organise rehearsals, music repertoire and events for performances. Teaching songs in groups and in individual settings. Maintaining calm and order during rehearsals and performances. 

Working as a Leader in 2017 & Senior Leader in 2018 as a house leader in Spleodar College, an Irish language residential college. I taught Irish language with special focus on the young people with difficulties. I Organised and planned event, led music and drama activities culminating in a performance for parents.

From the examples above, It is evident that my passion is to motivate people and raise awareness of the difficulties that people have with communication. As a speech and language therapy student, I would like to be an ambassador and help spread awareness by being an events officer, getting members of the wider UCL community engaged and involved in the Giving Voice Society events. 


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